Errors Output
- Can't call method "SyntaxError" on an undefined value at /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/syntax_error.asp line 59.
, /usr/local/share/perl5/Apache/ line 1522
Debug Output
- RUN ASP (v2.63) for /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/syntax_error.asp
- GlobalASA package Apache::ASP::Demo
- creating dbm for file /tmp/asp_demo/server/internal, db SDBM_File, serializer: Data::Dumper
- creating dbm for file /tmp/asp_demo/server/application, db SDBM_File, serializer: Data::Dumper
- refreshing 0040607ac2d0b5cf2bdada1fef03ccc1 with timeout 1726502398
- new session id 0040607ac2d0b5cf2bdada1fef03ccc1
- creating dbm for file /tmp/asp_demo/00/0040607ac2d0b5cf2bdada1fef03ccc1, db SDBM_File, serializer: Data::Dumper
- tieing session 0040607ac2d0b5cf2bdada1fef03ccc1
- clearing starting session
- Session_OnStart - session: 0040607ac2d0b5cf2bdada1fef03ccc1;
- executing Session_OnStart
- updating LastSessionTimeout from 1726502360
- parse file /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/syntax_error.asp
- parsing /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/syntax_error.asp
- found at /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/
- runtime exec of dynamic include args ()
- start parse of data - 1484
- undefing sub Apache::ASP::Demo::__ASP__local_proj_asp_eg_synta__error_aspx912a61bdf9084209b6314417f66088c7xINC code CODE(0x55d4882106b8)
- compiling into package Apache::ASP::Demo subid [Apache::ASP::Demo::__ASP__local_proj_asp_eg_synta__error_aspx912a61bdf9084209b6314417f66088c7xINC]
- register include /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/ with success
- parse file /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/
- parsing /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/
- start parse of data - 116
- undefing sub Apache::ASP::Demo::__ASP_local_proj_asp_eg_compile_error_incx921cacac8ca764a2f25214b2023f9318xINC code CODE(0x55d488213140)
- compiling into package Apache::ASP::Demo subid [Apache::ASP::Demo::__ASP_local_proj_asp_eg_compile_error_incx921cacac8ca764a2f25214b2023f9318xINC]
- undefing sub Apache::ASP::Demo::__ASP_local_proj_asp_eg_compile_error_incx921cacac8ca764a2f25214b2023f9318xINC code CODE(0x55d488213140)
- register include with error:
- Script_OnStart
- executing Script_OnStart
- [syntax_error.asp] - Script_OnStart /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/syntax_error.asp in global.asa
- executing Apache::ASP::Demo::__ASP__local_proj_asp_eg_synta__error_aspx912a61bdf9084209b6314417f66088c7xINC
- executing Apache::ASP::Demo::__ASP__usr_local_proj_asp_eg_header_incx3436ef45a26199e890479d9a7f0923bcxINC
- done executing include code Apache::ASP::Demo::__ASP__usr_local_proj_asp_eg_header_incx3436ef45a26199e890479d9a7f0923bcxINC
- [syntax_error.asp] - Debugging - can; take - just: about; - any; kind - of reference - or scalar
- Can't call method "SyntaxError" on an undefined value at /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/syntax_error.asp line 59.
, /usr/local/share/perl5/Apache/ line 1522
- ASP Done Processing Apache::ASP=HASH(0x55d4881b40f8) - Application: Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0x55d488206ca8); GlobalASA: Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x55d4881d43d8); Internal: Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x55d4881d3f10); Request: Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x55d4881d3eb0); Response: Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x55d488212df8); Server: Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x55d4881efb28); Session: Apache::ASP::Session=HASH(0x55d4881a35b0); app_state: 1; basename: syntax_error.asp; cleanup: ARRAY(0x55d488212fa8); compile_checksum: 3436ef45a26199e890479d9a7f0923bc; compile_includes: 1; compile_perl_count: 2; cookie_domain: ; cookie_path: /; dbg: 3; debugs_output: ARRAY(0x55d4881e2290); destroy: 1; dir_config: APR::Table=HASH(0x55d487ab7f30); dirname: /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/; errors_output: ARRAY(0x55d488212e40); errs: 1; filename: /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/syntax_error.asp; global: /usr/local/proj/asp/eg//.; global_package: Apache::ASP::Demo; group_refresh: 30; headers_in: APR::Table=HASH(0x55d4881cb4c8); http_only_session: ; includes_dir: ARRAY(0x55d488210940); init_packages: ARRAY(0x55d4881cb6d8); inode_names: 0; lang_comment: #; lang_language: PerlScript; lang_module: Apache::ASP::Lang::PerlScript; lang_object: Apache::ASP::Lang::PerlScript=HASH(0x55d488212c18); last_compile_include_data: HASH(0x55d4881e23c8); last_time: 1726502098.3701; no_cache: 0; package: Apache::ASP::Demo; paranoid_session: ; parse_config: 1; parse_file_count: 2; pod_comments: 1; r: Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x55d4881ab220); register_includes: HASH(0x55d4882105f8); remote_ip:; request_binary_read: 1; response_tied: 1; run_perl_script: SCALAR(0x55d4881aba78); search_dirs_cache: HASH(0x55d488210550); secure_session: ; session_count: 1; session_id: 0040607ac2d0b5cf2bdada1fef03ccc1; session_serialize: ; session_state: 1; session_timeout: 300; session_url: 1; session_url_force: ; session_url_match: ; session_url_parse: 0; session_url_parse_match: ; start_time: 1726502098.36473; stat_inc: 0; stat_inc_match: 0; stat_scripts: 1; state_db: ; state_dir: /tmp/asp_demo; state_manager: 10; state_serialize: ; state_serializer: ; ua: CCBot/2.0 (; use_strict: 1; win32: 0; xml_subs_match: my:\w+; xml_subs_perl_args: 1; xml_subs_strict: ; xslt: 0;
- errors out
- Can't call method "SyntaxError" on an undefined value at /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/syntax_error.asp line 59.
, /usr/local/share/perl5/Apache/ line 1522
ASP to Perl Script
-: use strict;;;use vars qw($Application $Session $Response $Server $Request);;
-: #line 1 /usr/local/proj/asp/eg/syntax_error.asp
1: ;;
3: ;
4: use File::Basename;
5: if($Request->QueryString('buffer')) {
6: $Response->{Buffer} = 1;
7: } else {
8: $Response->{Buffer} = 0;
9: }
10: ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
11: ')); $Response->Include('/usr/local/proj/asp/eg/', ); ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
12: We are creating a perl syntax error... this should demonstrate
13: how error handling is done. Please check the error log file if
14: you are interested in the output there.
15: <p>
16: You can turn this error messaging off by setting the Debug variable
17: in the ASP config to 1 or 0.
18: <p>
19: Also here is an example of how you can use debugging, an API
20: extension $Response->Debug(@args), in your script. The debug
21: output will show up below, and in your error logs. This user
22: style debugging is turned off with the same Debug setting set to 0.
23: <p>
27: '));
28: $Response->Debug(
29: "Debugging",
30: ['can', 'take'],
31: {'just'=>'about'},
32: sub { ['any', 'kind']},
33: \"of reference",
34: "or scalar"
35: );
37: print "Try this script also with <a href=".basename($0)."?buffer=1>buffering on.</a>";
38: ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
40: <p>
42: This script by default does a runtime syntax error. If you would like
43: to see a script <b>compile error, <a href="'.( basename($0) ).'?compile_error=1">click here</a></b>.
45: <p>
46: <a href="source.asp?file='.($Request->ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")).'">
47: view this file\'s source
48: </a>
50: <br>
51: <br>
53: '));
54: if($Request->QueryString('compile_error')) {
55: $Response->Include("");
56: } else {
57: my $Object;
58: # create a run-time syntax error
59: $Object->SyntaxError();
60: }
61: ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
74: Misc Text Below Error'));
An error has occured with the Apache::ASP script just run.
If you are the developer working on this script, and cannot work
through this problem, please try researching it at the
Apache::ASP web site,
specifically the FAQ section.
Failing that, check out your
support options, and
if necessary include this debug output with any query.