Apache::ASP Powered by ModPerl & Apache Powered by Apache::ASP
Demo ASP: source.asp 2024-09-16

Source of file syntax_error.asp:

use File::Basename;
if($Request->QueryString('buffer')) {
	$Response->{Buffer} = 1;
} else {
	$Response->{Buffer} = 0; 
<!--#include file=header.inc-->
We are creating a perl syntax error... this should demonstrate 
how error handling is done.  Please check the error log file if 
you are interested in the output there.
You can turn this error messaging off by setting the Debug variable
in the ASP config to 1 or 0.
Also here is an example of how you can use debugging, an API
extension $Response->Debug(@args), in your script.  The debug 
output will show up below, and in your error logs.  This user 
style debugging is turned off with the same Debug setting set to 0.
This pod comment will be yanked upon compilation
	['can', 'take'], 
	sub { ['any', 'kind']},
	\"of reference",
	"or scalar"

   print "Try this script also with <a href=".basename($0)."?buffer=1>buffering on.</a>";


This script by default does a runtime syntax error.  If you would like
to see a script <b>compile error, <a href="<%= basename($0) %>?compile_error=1">click here</a></b>.

<a href="source.asp?file=<%=$Request->ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>">
view this file's source


if($Request->QueryString('compile_error')) {
} else {
        my $Object;
	# create a run-time syntax error

Misc Text Below Error

view this file's source